Welcome to DJL’s shipwreck database. Many of these SE Asia shipwrecks listed below were been discovered by our technical diving team here at Davy Jones Locker. We’d be happy to dive any of them with you, so if you’d love to explore a wreck with our technical diving team, please contact us for more information
Read more about the history of the IJN Akita and the search for the wreck at SEA Explorers Club – The Lucky Shot part 1
The Burma maru, sank 12/06/1942 by the sargo class submarine USS Swordfish. Located by a team of divers from Davy Jones Locker and Koh Tao Tec divers, supported by The Dive Shop Cambodia on the 21st January 2017.
Lying upright sand 66 mtr top of deck 54 mtr the bridge has collapsed in on itself but the rest of the ship in good order. Huge penetrations possible through holds. 60 nautical miles south west of Sanokville, Cambodia. Length 120 metres long, 15 metre beam.
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A cargo vessel, 70m long, approx depth 48m to the sand and 45m midships, 42m top of bridge and forward mast. This local tech diver training wreck sits intact upwright with a 70-degree list to port port gunnal below sand amidships 70s insurance scam origin japan. 4 nm north of Koh Tao.
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A former german patrol boat, turned into technical diving livabord. Depth 35m to the sand, top portside 30m. Approx 35m long. 70-degree list to starboard intact large areas cut out of superstructor to falisatate penatration perposely sunk by last owner jamie mc cloud in sept 2010 close proximity south south west shark island german origen a fitting testament to wreck diving in the gulf.
A 200 tonne Japanese wooden schooner-cargo vessel. Located by DJL divers in 2007 this schooner was sunk in 1944 by a bealeo class sub uss bugara july 1945 sand 48 mtr top of the wreck mound 44 mtr 50 mtr long sank intact deterated into wreck mound wood and ballest stones visable carrying cargo bottles plates rubber and miscellaneous goods makes for a great rummage dive approx 10 nm NNW Koh Tao.
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Example of Japanese schooner of similar size
A Thai cargo vessel first wreck located by Jamie McCloud. Lying upright in 50 mtr sand 48 amidships 42 top of bridge 70 mtr long approx 16 NM North of koh tao beleved to have sunk due to fowl weather and overloaded with teak logs large superstructure at stearn offering good penatration cand get 54 mtr off the stearn in the sand as it shifts.
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A Thai milatry transport located by the trident and divers from DJL lying upright listing 60 degrees to port sand in 60 mtr top of bridge 52 mtr great penatrations in cargo holds ordered out to despose of milatary ordanance in the gulf the offical report has the cargo shifting in 5 mtr sea state and the captian ordered abandon ship but when we located her the metal of the super structore was blown indecating fire directly under the bridge a large hole in the hold adjecent to an oxygen clyinder the ship was intact with mililatry ordance in the holds the located 60 NM North of koh tao superstructor has since collapsed see video below for more information.
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LCI 742 THAI navy ship perposely sunk in 21-09-2011 sits upright in 30 mtr sand 18 mtr top of bridge approx 50 mtr long this landing craft was awarded 3 battle stars for action in which this ship partisapated in ww2 good wreck for overhead enviroment training lying 30 mtr south of hi pee wee dive site west of sariee beach koh tao.
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A large barge with pronounce foecastle located by team of divers from davy jones locker in 2007 was the first recreational shipwreck in koh tao before the trident and sattakut she lying upright in 37 mtr to the sand 34 mtr top of forcastle 35 mtr long this wreck attracts huge schools of fish lies between south west pinnacal and samran pinnical approx 8 NM south of koh tao.
A small Thai cargo vessal sits upright 27 mtr to the sand 2o mtr top of bridge located at the stern given name due to her being mistakenly identified as a jap ww2 vessal 65 mtr long located by team of divers from DJL in 2006 cargo unknown approx 41 NM NNW koh tao close proximity chumporn.
Also known as the inverted wreck located by a team of divers from DJL lying upside down in 40mtr water approx 25 mtr long prop still attached beleved to be sunk by the uss Bergall 30 may 1945 along with two barges she was toeing during this period in the final contacts of ww2 american subs ran out of larger contacts and continued hurrasing smaller costal shiping.
Also known as the wanky tanky. located by divers from the trident and DJL lying upright in 60 mtr intact aprox 70 mtr long stern superstructure sunk post 70 s after the safety first campaign cause of sinking unknown she sits 60 NM NNE koh tao.
A small costal tanker/oil barge lying upright in 60 mtr small engine/generator room amidships solidified oil still in open holds approx. 50 mtr long located by a team of divers from DJL and the trident independently approx. 39 NM north of koh tao.
A large cargo vessel ww2 or older located with a cargo of bricks in the holds approx. 70 mtr long in 60 mtr sand located by a team of divers from djl and the trident 36 NM NORTH of koh tao holds partly buried in the sand lying upright.
Lying in 60 mtr right wing engine and fuselage intact upright in 60 mtr located by a team of divers from djl in 2008 believed to be the famed (air America) the clandestine CIA airline when located we were contacted by an air force cornel retired who informed us that the emergency hatch recovered to help identify the wreckage was from a DC3 due to the window not having a slit in it for a gun placement lying approx. Lying approx. 60 NM NE of koh tao.
A newly located wreck by djl team wreck lying approx. 30 NM NNE of koh tao sits in 55 mtr to the sand and a pronounced bridge /superstructor at the stern 50 mtr to the top approx. 50 mtr long.
A drillship lost in typhoon gay with heavy loss of life sits almost inverted due to a 200 tonn top drive unit being fitted to the top of the derrick possably the reason the ship sank quickly with heavy loss sits in 75 mtr wreckage located 85 NM east of koh tao relocated by Jamie McCloud and the trident for more information see video.
> Find out more about the Seacrest at thaiwreckdiver.com
> Watch a video of DJL Diving this wreck
> For full ship details visit Wikipedia here
A Thai metal factory fishing vessel also known as the (big boy) lying in 70 mtr sand approx. 50 NM ENE of koh tao approx. 65 mtr long located independently by diver teams from DJL and the trident.
An old Thai cargo vessel wood wreck mound lying in 40 mtr 8 NM south of koh tao lying in 40 mtr to the sand wreck mound rummage located by DJL.
Lying upright in 40 mtr sand 1 NM from sail rock attracts large schools of fish wreckage lying 11 NM SW of koh tao approx. 50 mtr long located in 2008 cause of wreckage unknown.
A small costal tanker lying starboard side 37mtr sand and 34mtr to the top 50 NM north tioman islands located by yc lee cause of loss unknown solidified oil weeping from holds.
A WW2 Japanese cargo vessel sunk by the uss hammerhead may 1945 one of the infamous hell ships used to transport pow survivors of the batain death march in the Philippines 5978 grt the bow has been partly separated from a torpedo inpact she sits in 75 mtr of water port side down approx. 100 NM east of koh tao located by Jamie McCloud and the trident see video for more info.
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1680 tons infamous Japanese minelayer/converted convoy escort sunk by the uss halksbill in may 1945 ltn com Scanlan commanding lying in 34 mtr sand 30 mtr top port side down guns faceing sea ward relocated by a team from davy jones locker approx. 5 NM NNE of Dugan.
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A large ww2 merchant cargo vessel Japanese 6886 tons sunk by the uss hardhead april 1945 broken in half in 50 mtr sand parts of this shipwreck are inverted and parts lying on its side 175 NM ESE koh tao Cambodian water located by Jamie McCloud and the trident.
A 2800 ton fleet tanker sunk in 78 mtr sand by the uss hammerhead located by Jamie mc cloud bow and stern intact located by Jamie McCloud and the trident 185 NM south east of koh tao.
A 5000 ton passenger cargo vessel lying in58 mtr upright located 232 NM SE of koh tao located by Jamie McCloud and the trident.
(9) 851 GRT merchant tanker sunk in the same attack as the NANMAI MARU no 5 834 GRT sunk by the uss hammerhead 10 july 1945 in 75 mtr lying within 2 NM of each other located by Jamie mc cloud and the trident 100 NM ESE Koh Tao.
WW2 Japanese fleet tanker 1189 tons sunk by the uss bumper in 19 July 1945 aprox 75 mtr to the sand lying 254 NM SE of koh tao.
WW2 Japanese gun boat 38 tones aprox 75 mtr sand sunk by the uss bumper on the 20 July 1945 aprox 255 NM SE of koh tao.
Unidentified mark possible the akita 3817 tons 100 mtr long sunk in convoy with the tayriu maru by the uss hammerhead 1940 fisherman indicate a large metal shipwreck sand in this area 75 mtr needs feather investigation two marks to explore.
2 heavy battle ship part of force z attacked when sent to repel the Japanese landings at the out break of the Japanese war by aircraft heavy 16 inch guns have caused this ship to almost invert she lying on her port side in 56 mtr sand 300 mtr long 43 NM north of tioman Malaysia this war grave is under attack by salvers.
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George 5 class battleship sunk by air attack in convoy with the repulse she is lying inverted after being turned during her sinking by her 16 inch guns in 75 mtr aprox 43 NM. NNE tioman islands war grave.
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Lost whe they ran into a minefield layed by the British the wreckage sits upright in 60 mtr sand relocated by divers from DJL reef layed 20 NM NNE of tioman war grave.